Media owner and publisher
Thomas Schauer
Concept & Art Direction
brand unit – network for branding, design and content
Programming & Web development
Ankerlos Grafik & Kommunikation
The website was created with due diligence. Nevertheless, Thomas Schauer does neither represent nor warrant that the Contents are correct, adequate, useful and complete nor regarding the functionality, safety and security of the website. To the extent permissible by law, Thomas Schauer is, in particular, not liable for errors, omissions, shortcomings, misspellings and dysfunctions of the website.
Certain links contained in the website direct to contents and websites operated and maintained by third parties on which Ed Neumeister has no influence. Thomas Schauer is neither liable for the correctness and other aspects of the contents nor for the functioning, safety and security of such third parties' websites. The purpose of linking is limited to illustration; Ed Neumeister does not make a statement about a third party, the relationship to a third party, products or services of a third party.
At the time of linking to a third party's website no violation of legal provisions was recognizable. A permanent supervision of the contents of linked websites is not reasonable. In case violations become known to Thomas Schauer the respective link is deleted.